1. Checklist
How do I apply?
To apply for IMRO membership, you must complete the following Writer Member Application / Agreement, along with additional supporting documentation as outlined below.
The Member Agreement (which includes an assignment of specified rights in your copyright works to IMRO), will take effect only if IMRO accepts your application for membership. If you are in doubt as to the effect of the Member Agreement, you are advised to obtain legal advice before signing it.
Are you eligible for membership?
To join IMRO as a writer, applicants must fulfil ONE of the following criteria and also provide proof that they qualify for membership.
A. That at least one of your original musical works has been commercially recorded. (Proof required: Evidence of original works commercially available for download or streaming - please provide a link or screengrab image or photocopy of CD inlay card, containing a barcode/catalogue number and the applicant's name as a composer/author).
B. That at least one of your musical works has been broadcast in the last two years. (Proof required: A letter on headed notepaper from the producer/presenter of the radio or television show confirming that your musical work was broadcast).
C. That at least one of your musical works has been performed live in public on at least twelve occasions within the last two years. (Proof required: A letter on headed note paper from a venue owner/manager/promoter confirming that your musical work was performed).